
Showing posts from 2018


 It has become apparent that we like politicizing everything in this town. We've had so much politics in Isiolo and some of us are yet to see the good deeds done by this government. We are so blinded by hate and some of us are still at verge of  electioneering period. I believe We've had issues with the health sector  and with the help from the county Executive partnering with living goods and with the support from the office of the governor I believe We'll see change the moment the whole program is put on go.  Let's say Isiolo county as a whole has more politics compared to other cities in this country. Governor Kuti has been arraigned  with the most recent talks in  town but some of us who are well informed know that he's going beyond compare for this county to flourish. Health  services is one of the functions devolved to the county governments following the operalization  of the devolution after the 2013 general election. The Constitution of Kenya 2010 has als


It's one year down the line and I think it's humble time to grade our elected leaders by "how much done" so far. Let's begin with the most popular leader in Isiolo MCA IDD HASSAN KIMATHI .Speculations suggested that He won't perform and he was doomed to fail  but his performance approval rates and stats suggests otherwise. He has executed a high level of Workmanship towards service delivery something that wasn't  even  done   through the five year term by the previous regime, that is compared to what MCA Kim has done in one year. Since elected and later sworn in last year MCA idd has proved that working towards the betterment of Bula pesa is his main agenda. Here are some of the projects that MCA idd can be accounted for with the help from the county government and the governor; 1, DRILLING OF A BOREHOLE AT BULAPESA DISPENSARY. The hospital, Households and the community around the dispensary will be self reliant,they won't experience any water s


Everyone has a purpose in life and a unique talent to give to others .And when we blend this unique talent with service to others we experience the ecstasy and exaltation of own spirit , which is the ultimate goal of all goals .Talent hasn't been highly appreciated  in Isiolo and I believe through this event youths will be encouraged to work more harder.Thanks to the organizers of this event for coming up with a way of appreciating the talented youths in Isiolo.Thanks for stepping up and getting this done for us. The Launch of the upcoming awards  took place on 11th of August and it came out as a surprise as to how a success the event and youths from Isiolo came through. So earlier today as I was just tuned in to  a local radio station I heard a well reknown musical artist calling this event a Hogwash reason being neither has he been involved in the planning of the event nor has he been nominated in any category. What I'm trying to say is critism goes hand in hand with compli


It is almost  a year and a lot has transpired in between  8th of August 2017 up to this date. A lot has been aforementioned  on/about the current women rep Isiolo  County Hon Rehema Dida Jaldesa, but I choose to look forward and focus my attention towards the positive side,since I know where  to speak at , what to speak on  and who to speak to. And what happened to "if you can't beat them  join them " phrase??... Honorable Rehema Dida Jaldesa. A soon as the swearing in took place, Hon Rehema started  working  immediately  and turned her attention on delivering  despite the highly generated criticism  on social media. She has been known to be a vocal lady on matters of Devolution  and gender equality.  She has strongly  established  her presence in a territory   believed  to be male dominated and as a matter of fact her presence has been felt. I believe the climb to the top is arduous and steep. People become exhausted, frustrated, and disenchanted, and are often te


Progress takes a temporal length of events and I can say I am seeing evolvement. The Governor himself has demonstrated that he was elected for a reason and for a service to all. His partnership with Bula Pesa ward MCA Hon.Idd Hassan Kimathi has settled that a lot from both of them should be expected. Now let's talk about stats of this one leader that has been accepted by the society. Research done by " KNOWN TO ME BUT NOT TO THE   PUBLIC ORGANIZATION.  Stats at the moment manifest that MCA Idd is the most popular and crowd pleasing leader in isiolo especially among the youths, developmental changes that we've seen taking place and the residents' approval of MCA Idd's work  are the evidence to back my words . Bula Pesa is Happy.  MCA Bula Pesa Ward addressing residents of  Isiolo. MCA IHK.(yes that's new nickname in town) has been known to be the most available leader in isiolo  since he set foot in that leadership office. He avails himself in case of a


Via MCA Idd Hassan Kimathi Bula Pesa Ward which is home to more than 25k residents is demarcated as follows ; Cabrose paved Mater care Hospital road to Isiolo River down to LMD Bridge to Trojan. His excellency the Governor, Roads C.E.C. Mr. Sime, Chief Officer Roads Madam Rukia and I have enjoyed a good working relationship for the better being of Bula Pesa ward and Isiolo at large . Murraming of four roads is currently undergoing in upper Bulapesa ward and the work is almost completed. In fact at 89% level of completion. Bill of Quantities for 3 more roads in the lower parts of Bula pesa has already been drafted and its out and I presume true work will Start anytime soon. I call on all Lower Bula pesa residents to express Diligence, endurance and bearance as we wait for the contractors to begin their work as soon as possible. The only work left for the county government is to supervise . I Urge on all residents to also keep tabs on the roads' construction and should also


Mr Governor and your esteemed team of expert that drafted the county development plan for 2017-2022 , allow us as Bula Pesa residents and as a common Mwaninchi to air our grievances. Without much  a do these are following pertinent issues . WATER,IRRIGATION,ENERGY,ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES. We wanted adequate water supply,proper sewage and drainage system in which your government was supposed to maintain. In your C.I.D.P you addressed a few issues like  a. Bula mpya water supply system allocated 2.5M   b.Bula Mbao borehole drilling and equipment allocated 7M We have appreciated the above clearly addressed issues but we need more support and adequate funding to ensure every part of Bulla Pesa Ward gets water from these yet to be sunk boreholes. Matters of agency such as    a. Flood control (65M all Wards)   b. Water and sanitation (25M all Wards)   c. Tree Planting (15M 10 wards)   d. Mapping and fencing of public cemeteries (75M ten Wards) ...have been mentioned.


            It seems the bearded political leader (clan leader) severely lack some of the most important leadership qualities such as integrity  and accountability. It is no coincidence that for many the word 'politician' has such negative connections and you Mr Odha ain't proving us wrong or even trying.Still acquiring all the government resources meant for wanainchi to enrich and build your everlasting tribe/clan of families.Hate and tribal anger was never there and now its popping up  because of selfish leaders  like you.Try to use your brain and less beard in thinking and just see the difference. I'll keep reminding you that Isiolo is not a tribal city and it will never be,trying to force your misguided ideas and propaganda to the innocent youths in our town who only want to better their lives by being employed,but all you do is take advantage of them and train them how to cause mayhem around the social media platforms. To every youth in Isiolo please let have str


          I hope I haven't interupted your humble stay in Nairobi receive my humble greetings. No where in this modern world that steady  strikes of development has been realized by a tribal leader. Your campaign manifesto has remained  just ideas on a paper gaining dust in whatever office  you have. Seven months down the line nothing tangible can you give to isiolo constituents as an evidence to your campaign. Seven  months ago we elected you to represent us, it's so unfortunate instead of understanding isiolo is a cosmopolitan costituency  you have gone ahead with your tribal cocoon and made yourself the chairman to Borana council of elders. You have proven beyond all doubts it's only in ethrocentrism that your bigotry can thrive and you can't be trusted with any  public office. Your absenteeism has been felt from here to the south of Timbuktu [[yes I just said Timbuktu]] . You have missed in actions at most dire when you constituents needed you the most;to be p


Having a growth of hair on your face doesn't mean you can lead other men.In the political world you are judged by what you do for your people,since they are the ones who have elected.    you{In this case,yours were tribal/clan votes}.You work for us and must deliver,we pay taxes so that you can be paid but you ain't bringing any real deal on the table.Remember Isiolo is not home for only one tribe and if it's the Tribalic Elections you guys want,bring it on and we'll see who is the  loser at the end.HASSAN ODHA,the clan leader,since you got that chair,what type of development have you brought in this county apart from buying yourself new vests and boxers.You keep downgrading your leadership role from a county leader to a clan leader,is illiteracy a permanent thing nowadays???Thinking that you and your little army of elders are leading when you just dividing this town even more,stepping on the peace that has taken years of bloodshed and sweat to create,corruptin