
Showing posts from November, 2018


 It has become apparent that we like politicizing everything in this town. We've had so much politics in Isiolo and some of us are yet to see the good deeds done by this government. We are so blinded by hate and some of us are still at verge of  electioneering period. I believe We've had issues with the health sector  and with the help from the county Executive partnering with living goods and with the support from the office of the governor I believe We'll see change the moment the whole program is put on go.  Let's say Isiolo county as a whole has more politics compared to other cities in this country. Governor Kuti has been arraigned  with the most recent talks in  town but some of us who are well informed know that he's going beyond compare for this county to flourish. Health  services is one of the functions devolved to the county governments following the operalization  of the devolution after the 2013 general election. The Constitution of Kenya 2010 has als