
Showing posts from March, 2018


            It seems the bearded political leader (clan leader) severely lack some of the most important leadership qualities such as integrity  and accountability. It is no coincidence that for many the word 'politician' has such negative connections and you Mr Odha ain't proving us wrong or even trying.Still acquiring all the government resources meant for wanainchi to enrich and build your everlasting tribe/clan of families.Hate and tribal anger was never there and now its popping up  because of selfish leaders  like you.Try to use your brain and less beard in thinking and just see the difference. I'll keep reminding you that Isiolo is not a tribal city and it will never be,trying to force your misguided ideas and propaganda to the innocent youths in our town who only want to better their lives by being employed,but all you do is take advantage of them and train them how to cause mayhem around the social media platforms. To every youth in Isiolo please let have str


          I hope I haven't interupted your humble stay in Nairobi receive my humble greetings. No where in this modern world that steady  strikes of development has been realized by a tribal leader. Your campaign manifesto has remained  just ideas on a paper gaining dust in whatever office  you have. Seven months down the line nothing tangible can you give to isiolo constituents as an evidence to your campaign. Seven  months ago we elected you to represent us, it's so unfortunate instead of understanding isiolo is a cosmopolitan costituency  you have gone ahead with your tribal cocoon and made yourself the chairman to Borana council of elders. You have proven beyond all doubts it's only in ethrocentrism that your bigotry can thrive and you can't be trusted with any  public office. Your absenteeism has been felt from here to the south of Timbuktu [[yes I just said Timbuktu]] . You have missed in actions at most dire when you constituents needed you the most;to be p


Having a growth of hair on your face doesn't mean you can lead other men.In the political world you are judged by what you do for your people,since they are the ones who have elected.    you{In this case,yours were tribal/clan votes}.You work for us and must deliver,we pay taxes so that you can be paid but you ain't bringing any real deal on the table.Remember Isiolo is not home for only one tribe and if it's the Tribalic Elections you guys want,bring it on and we'll see who is the  loser at the end.HASSAN ODHA,the clan leader,since you got that chair,what type of development have you brought in this county apart from buying yourself new vests and boxers.You keep downgrading your leadership role from a county leader to a clan leader,is illiteracy a permanent thing nowadays???Thinking that you and your little army of elders are leading when you just dividing this town even more,stepping on the peace that has taken years of bloodshed and sweat to create,corruptin